Primary Schools - Workforce Development
Playground Activator
A playground where every child is active.
Leadership Skills Foundation accredited training programme that upskills your workforce to create an active playground.
The UK government expects every primary school to help pupils achieve 30 minutes of their daily physical activity during the school day.
Break and lunch time are ideally placed to help schools deliver these 30 minutes. That’s if the time is used to its full potential.
A lack of equipment, minimal staff training, an absence of activities, poor behaviour, and pressure to deliver an ever-expanding curriculum and raise attainment means break and lunch times are often overlooked and increasingly being cut.
But this is a missed opportunity to support school aims and children’s development.
Playground Activator is a one-day workshop that gives lunchtime supervisors and support staff the skills, knowledge and confidence to make the most of this opportunity, helping your pupils be more active, more often on the playground.
If you’re interested to know more about Playground Activator, complete the form below and one of our team will be in touch.

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