Find our safeguarding, equality, privacy, complaints, e-safety, health and safety policies.
At AAEG, we are deeply committed to ensuring the safety, well-being, and inclusivity of everyone in our community. Our policies are instrumental in maintaining a safe, fair, and productive environment for all. Here's a quick look at the key policies guiding our actions:
Safeguarding Policy: Our highest priority is the safety and welfare of all individuals. Our Safeguarding Policy is in place to protect all individuals from harm and ensure their well-being at all times.
Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion Policy: We celebrate diversity and promote an inclusive environment. No individual should be discriminated against on grounds of age, gender, race, ability, or beliefs.
E-Safety Policy: In our progressively digital world, ensuring online safety is paramount. Our E-Safety Policy outlines the necessary precautions and measures taken to maintain a secure digital environment.
Complaints Policy: We understand the need for open communication. Our Complaints Policy ensures a clear, fair process in addressing any issues or concerns raised.
Health and Safety Policy: The health and safety of our community members is vital. Efficient procedures and protocols are in place to mitigate potential hazards and ensure a safe environment.
Privacy Policy (Data Protection): We respect everyone's right to privacy. Our Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to protecting personal information and complying with data protection measures.
For more information please contact us, call 0121 663 1979 or email info@aaeg.co.uk